www.gusucode.com > 地方成人教育中心整站源代码 1 > 地方成人教育中心整站源代码 1.0/bbs/inc/qcomic.js

    function Exception(name, message)
    if (name)
        this.name = name;
    if (message)
        this.message = message;

Exception.prototype.setName = function(name)
    this.name = name;

Exception.prototype.getName = function()
    return this.name;

Exception.prototype.setMessage = function(msg)
    this.message = msg;

Exception.prototype.getMessage = function()
    return this.message;

function FlashTag(src, width, height)
    this.src       = src;
    this.width     = width;
    this.height    = height;
    this.version   = '7,0,14,0';
    this.flashVars = null;
	 this.menu				='false';
    //this.id        = null;
    this.allowScriptAccess = null;
    this.allowFullScreen = null;
    this.swLiveConnect = null;
    this.bgcolor   = '';
    this.id        = "f_" + ((new Date()).getTime()).toString();//modify by kindy lin at 060523
    this.salign = null;//modify by kindy lin at 060523
    this.scale = null;//modify by kindy lin at 060523
    this.wmode = 'transparent';//modify by kindy lin at 060523
    this.wmodeFF = null;//(FF=firefox)modify by kindy lin at 060523
//modify by kindy lin at 060523
FlashTag.prototype.setSalign = function(sa)
    this.salign = sa;

FlashTag.prototype.setMenu = function(menuShow)
    this.menu = menuShow;

FlashTag.prototype.setScale = function(scl)
    this.scale = scl;

FlashTag.prototype.setWmode = function(wm)
    this.wmode = wm;

FlashTag.prototype.setWmodeFF = function(wmff)
    this.wmodeFF = wmff

FlashTag.prototype.setVersion = function(v)
    this.version = v;

FlashTag.prototype.setId = function(id)
    this.id = id;

FlashTag.prototype.setBgcolor = function(bgc)
    this.bgcolor = bgc;

FlashTag.prototype.setFlashvars = function(fv)
    this.flashVars = fv;
//add by kindy lin at 060523
FlashTag.prototype.setSrc = function(src)
    this.src       = src;
FlashTag.prototype.setNew = function(src, width, height)
    this.src       = src;
    this.id        = "f_" + ((new Date()).getTime()).toString();
    this.width     = width;
    this.height    = height;
    this.flashVars = null;
    this.allowScriptAccess = null;
    this.allowFullScreen = null;
    this.swLiveConnect = null;
    this.bgcolor   = '';
    this.salign = null;//modify by kindy lin at 060523
    this.scale = null;//modify by kindy lin at 060523
    this.wmode = 'transparent';//modify by kindy lin at 060523
    this.wmodeFF = null;//(FF=firefox)modify by kindy lin at 060523
//end...add by kindy lin at 060523
 * Get the Flash tag as a string. 
FlashTag.prototype.toString = function()
    var ie = (navigator.appName.indexOf ("Microsoft") != -1) ? 1 : 0;
    var flashTag = new String();
    if (ie)
        flashTag += '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ';
        if (this.id != null)
            flashTag += 'id="'+this.id+'" ';
        flashTag += 'codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version='+this.version+'" ';
        flashTag += 'width="'+this.width+'" ';
        flashTag += 'height="'+this.height+'">';
        flashTag += '<param name="movie" value="'+this.src+'"/>';
        flashTag += '<param name="quality" value="high"/>';
        flashTag += '<param name="bgcolor" value="#'+this.bgcolor+'"/>';
				flashTag += '<param name="menu" value="'+this.menu+'"/>';
	if(this.allowScriptAccess != null)
		flashTag += '<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />';
	if(this.allowFullScreen != null)
		flashTag += '<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />';
        if (this.wmode != null)
            flashTag += '<param name="wmode" value="'+this.wmode+'"/>';
        if (this.salign != null)
            flashTag += '<param name="salign" value="'+this.salign+'"/>';
        if (this.scale != null)
            flashTag += '<param name="scale" value="'+this.scale+'"/>';
        if (this.flashVars != null)
            flashTag += '<param name="flashvars" value="'+this.flashVars+'"/>';
        flashTag += '</object>';
        flashTag += '<embed src="'+this.src+'" ';
        flashTag += 'quality="high" '; 
        flashTag += 'bgcolor="#'+this.bgcolor+'" ';
        flashTag += 'width="'+this.width+'" ';
        flashTag += 'height="'+this.height+'" ';
        flashTag += 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ';
				flashTag += 'menu="'+this.menu+'" ';
	if(this.allowScriptAccess != null)
		flashTag += 'allowScriptAccess="always" ';
	if(this.allowFullScreen != null)
		flashTag += 'allowFullScreen ="true" ';
	if(this.swLiveConnect!= null)
		flashTag += 'swLiveConnect ="true" ';
        if (this.flashVars != null)
            flashTag += 'flashvars="'+this.flashVars+'" ';
        if (this.id != null)
            flashTag += 'name="'+this.id+'" ';
				if ((this.wmode!=null)&&(this.wmode == "transparent")) {this.wmodeFF = "transparent"; }
        if (this.wmodeFF != null)
            flashTag += 'wmode="'+this.wmodeFF+'" ';
        if (this.scale != null)
            flashTag += 'scale="'+this.scale+'" ';
        if (this.salign != null)
            flashTag += 'salign="'+this.salign+'" ';
        }        flashTag += 'pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">';
        flashTag += '</embed>';
    return flashTag;

FlashTag.prototype.write = function(doc)

function FlashSerializer(useCdata)
    this.useCdata = useCdata;

FlashSerializer.prototype.serialize = function(args)
    var qs = new String();

    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)
            case 'undefined':
                qs += 't'+(i)+'=undf';
            case 'string':
                qs += 't'+(i)+'=str&d'+(i)+'='+escape(args[i]);
            case 'number':
                qs += 't'+(i)+'=num&d'+(i)+'='+escape(args[i]);
            case 'boolean':
                qs += 't'+(i)+'=bool&d'+(i)+'='+escape(args[i]);
            case 'object':
                if (args[i] == null)
                    qs += 't'+(i)+'=null';
                else if (args[i] instanceof Date)
                    qs += 't'+(i)+'=date&d'+(i)+'='+escape(args[i].getTime());
                else // array or object
                        qs += 't'+(i)+'=xser&d'+(i)+'='+escape(this._serializeXML(args[i]));
                    catch (exception)
                        throw new Exception("FlashSerializationException",
                                            "The following error occurred during complex object serialization: " + exception.getMessage());
                throw new Exception("FlashSerializationException",
                                    "You can only serialize strings, numbers, booleans, dates, objects, arrays, nulls, and undefined.");

        if (i != (args.length - 1))
            qs += '&';

    return qs;

 * Private
FlashSerializer.prototype._serializeXML = function(obj)
    var doc = new Object();
    doc.xml = '<fp>'; 
    this._serializeNode(obj, doc, null);
    doc.xml += '</fp>'; 
    return doc.xml;

 * Private
FlashSerializer.prototype._serializeNode = function(obj, doc, name)
        case 'undefined':
            doc.xml += '<undf'+this._addName(name)+'/>';
        case 'string':
            doc.xml += '<str'+this._addName(name)+'>'+this._escapeXml(obj)+'</str>';
        case 'number':
            doc.xml += '<num'+this._addName(name)+'>'+obj+'</num>';
        case 'boolean':
            doc.xml += '<bool'+this._addName(name)+' val="'+obj+'"/>';
        case 'object':
            if (obj == null)
                doc.xml += '<null'+this._addName(name)+'/>';
            else if (obj instanceof Date)
                doc.xml += '<date'+this._addName(name)+'>'+obj.getTime()+'</date>';
            else if (obj instanceof Array)
                doc.xml += '<array'+this._addName(name)+'>';
                for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i)
                    this._serializeNode(obj[i], doc, null);
                doc.xml += '</array>';
                doc.xml += '<obj'+this._addName(name)+'>';
                for (var n in obj)
                    if (typeof(obj[n]) == 'function')
                    this._serializeNode(obj[n], doc, n);
                doc.xml += '</obj>';
            throw new Exception("FlashSerializationException",
                                "You can only serialize strings, numbers, booleans, objects, dates, arrays, nulls and undefined");

 * Private
FlashSerializer.prototype._addName= function(name)
    if (name != null)
        return ' name="'+name+'"';
    return '';

 * Private
FlashSerializer.prototype._escapeXml = function(str)
    if (this.useCdata)
        return '<![CDATA['+str+']]>';
        return str.replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;');

function FlashProxy(uid, proxySwfName)
    this.uid = uid;
    this.proxySwfName = proxySwfName;
    this.flashSerializer = new FlashSerializer(false);

FlashProxy.prototype.call = function()
    if (arguments.length == 0)
        throw new Exception("Flash Proxy Exception",
                            "The first argument should be the function name followed by any number of additional arguments.");

    var qs = 'lcId=' + escape(this.uid) + '&functionName=' + escape(arguments[0]);

    if (arguments.length > 1)
        var justArgs = new Array();
        for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i)
        qs += ('&' + this.flashSerializer.serialize(justArgs));

    var divName = '_flash_proxy_' + this.uid;
        var newTarget = document.createElement("div");
        newTarget.id = divName;
    var target = document.getElementById(divName);
    var ft = new FlashTag(this.proxySwfName, 1, 1);
    target.innerHTML = ft.toString();

FlashProxy.callJS = function()
    var functionToCall = eval(arguments[0]);
    var argArray = new Array();
    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i)
    functionToCall.apply(functionToCall, argArray);
FlashProxy.prototype.qcomic_debug = function(msg)
FlashProxy.prototype.qcomic_display_flash = function(params)
	view_obj = params['view_obj'];
	html = params['html'];
	view_obj.innerHTML+= html;
/*i add this (kindy)*/
function getMovieObj(movieName) {
		if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) { return window[movieName]; }else { return document[movieName];}
function $(oi){
	return document.getElementById(oi);
function qcomic_eval(str)
var flashTagIns = new FlashTag("", 100, 10);//add by kindy lin at 060523
var qcomic_proxy = new FlashProxy(1, '');